(Membership Application)


入會費    :新台幣 300 元 (首次申請加入會員繳交,終身只需繳一次)
常年會費:新台幣 600 元 (不含入會費)
永久會費:新台幣 4500 元 (不含入會費,首次加入請額外繳入會費,終身只繳一次)

銀行匯款繳費方式(Bank Transfer Payment Method)
銀行名稱:清華大學郵局 (郵局代號:700)
帳          號:00610210638380
戶          名:中華機率統計學會徐南蓉

* 普通會員符合下列情況之一者,得申請經理監事會議審核通過轉為永久會員。
1. 普通會員繳交年費累計達20年以上。
2. 普通會員於其年齡 40歲以後繳交年費累計達15年以上。
3. 普通會員於其年齡 45歲以後繳交年費累計達10年以上。

* 普通會員及永久會員之權利義務:
1. 有選舉權、被選舉權及罷免權。
2. 有出席本會會員大會之權利與義務,及與會之發言權及表決權。
3. 享有本會刊物之優待。
4. 有遵守本會章程、決議及繳納會費之義務。
5. 普通會員應按期繳納會費,未按期繳納會費者,暫予停權。
6. 永久會員連續三年未出席或未委託出席會員大會者,予以停權;一經出席或委託出席會員大會者,即可自動復權。(109年8月20日會員大會通過)   


Welcome to join CIPS as a member by submitting your membership fee. Please fill out the form below to complete your membership registration.


Individual membership application

Please fill out Individual membership application/ Organizational membership application and send it to CIPS (email or mail).
Address: No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013, R.O.C., General Building III 8F R829(R.O.C.)
National Tsing Hua University, Department of Institute of Statistics.

Admission fee: NT$300. (For the first-time membership application, once off)
Ordinary membership annual fee: NT$600/Year (Admission fee is not included.)
Life membership fee: NT$4,500 (Admission fee is not included.)

*Ordinary members can apply to become life members with the board of directors and supervisors meeting approval if meet one of the following situations:
1. Ordinary members have paid annual fees for more than 20 years.
2. Ordinary members have paid annual fees for more than 15 years over age 40.
3. Ordinary members have paid annual fees for more than 10 years over age 45.

Welcome to join CIPS as a member by submitting your membership fee. Please fill out the form below to complete your membership registration.